
Hey! 👋

Welcome to my new website! I talk about projects I’ve done, thoughts I’ve had and data I’ve collected.

  • Anti's Incomprehensive Notes and Thoughts On Socialisation

    A guide on how to socialise with people, with rough data and thoughts. Let's build a model of socialisation!
  • Consciousness is computable

    A small post detailing my view on consciousness and computability. Meant to be in a larger post, but it became a bit too unwieldy and I felt like it. There is a much larger, more (in)comprehensive view of consciousness coming out... soon?
  • A Tale of Finite - Images of Babel

    Inside a simple construction of maths and (really big) numbers, we can find a photo of your first birthday, with your family surrounding you — even if nobody took that photo. Anyone can find anything about you, if only they knew where to look. Let's find out how!
  • Cycles - My current progression system, and fixing habits

    My current mental model on achieving progress over time that's been working for me over the past 2 months.
  • The Woes of Writing Posts

    A small insight on how I sometimes write posts... It's not very chronological!!
  • Reflecting Rays, Circular Mirrors and Points

    A problem about how light would reflect in a perfectly circular mirror (and some interesting questions extending into 3D). Took disproportionately long to make this post relative to how long it takes to solve it. Learnt Mathjax here.
  • Flask Weather Data Exchange

    Flask website with encrypted login system, displaying data from BOM API. Made as my last school assignment.
  • The Demon in the Machine | Book Review

    A quick review on The Demon in the Machine, with small tangents on information and competing theories. Fun!
  • Exploring the realm of crushes

    An exploration of crushes - a domain I'm not well versed in, which is why this article was made. On the importance of attractions/relationships and the lack of verbal knowledge about this. Survey n=~30 data gathered about crushes so you can create (more) data-based opinion on related topics!
  • Dungeons and Data Structures Hackathon Reflection

    A little analysis on my first ever hackathon. Hosted by Coder One as their AI Sports Challenge 2021, it seemed like a fun starting point and I learnt a lot in this (especially around workflows and realistic team-based projects).
  • Basic Flask website

    A simple flask website made in python that lets the user read/write to a database. Made for a school assignment.
  • Short Story: Shadow of Oneself

    This was a little short story I made for my Year 11 'short story' (more flash fiction) exam. I hated that test - How is a short story only 800-1000 words?? I also had to extract this idea from a stimulus about some normal family at a dinner table. Safe to say I er... Exercised my creative ability on it ;)
  • Frame of War

    First game I've made, using gamemaker (lol). It's pretty hard. You should try it ;)