The Woes of Writing Posts
- meant to be a funny blog kinda in general, self reflective
- can post on site :P
- is different to the usual style – very little refinement done!
The Post
- I want to share my ideas with the world
- Sometimes, I enter a sort of writing frenzy and can bust out 1000 words relating to a topic set within 20-30 minutes. And they’re all in bullet points, semi chaotic, ideas everywhere.
- And then I have to go and try and make that neat and presentable, for a human to consume in our text to text representation. But it’s so hard.
Do you know how much easier it would be if I could just directly transmit these thoughts to you, without having to go through the information middleman of text? Of this somewhat crude approximation of thought, of the ideas and their linkages all in one in this linear reading that you have?
I can’t present to you (very well, at least) multiple ideas at once. I have to feed them in, one by one, and hope you can piece them together in the way I pieced them together, or for you to experiment and make them your own. But gee, we have to compress our thoughts into this form and then you have to read it, and then convert it back to thoughts.
And how much information can language even represent? How much of our perception, our experience, is missed by the information loss of language? Twitter sure has some fun banter here with AI peeps :P
Here I am, writing ideas away, somewhat chaotically – they all make sense in some big overarching theme, but I wonder if it’s somewhat jarring for you to read?
Like, people can have so many good ideas, and write down dot points, or raw forms of this information. But to publish it, I feel the need to edit it, to make it presentable and neat, and orderly. And rightly so! I don’t think I’d be able to read a completely chaotic (to my perspective) text form without hopping off. But still, ah! So much effort, so you, the reader, can read these thoughts that I have had. To share these ideas with you. But you know what? I’ll take it. It’s worth all the pain of editting, of refining, of questioning your ideas and making sure they make sense to you, because at the end, you get to share that idea. Someone else gets to interpret an approximate thought that you had. They get to play around with something they may have otherwise not thought about. Or to see an idea in a different way.
Cheers to ideas, reader!
I wrote all that in one go (with some minor tweaks). I’m going to publish it anyways. I’m feeling spicy, and for what it’s worth this was directly copied from my Obsidian vault. I’m not really that sure how I’m going to write blog posts/change them if they are both going to be on here and on Obsidian… Aaaaaah.
Extras: I have a habit of always jumping around from idea to idea, i.e following the trail. Unfortunately, a lot of the times I don’t really keep a pointer as to where I leap from and wholeheartedly put all my energy into figuring out/exploring the idea. This means, once I’m finished with a trail, I’m kinda like “wait, where did I come from again? What was I doing?”.
Added 5/08/24: Anyways, I finally figured out I likely have ADHD. That explains… quite a bit. The tism by itself didn’t cover enough.